
Orlando, Florida: The Best Day Trips

Orlando is full of great activities in and around the city, such as theme parks, lakes and nightlife, that make the city irresistible to the millions of tourists that make it a destination year after year.

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Orlando: Insight for the Curious Investor

Orlando is being tipped by those within the real estate industry as the top city in Florida for rental properties and one of the top 10 markets in which to flip houses. Whilst these industry professionals believe in Orlando’s real estate going forward, let's look at some of its statistics to consider whether Orlando is ripe for investment. 

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Best Nightlife in Orlando, Florida

Orlando offers a vast array of ways to spend your nightlife, from theatre shows to karaoke and luxury rooftop bars. The sheer amount of interesting activities and exciting venues can make the process of deciding a complex one. To make it easier, we have selected a variety of great things to do and see, check out our list below and tell us what you think.

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Old to New: Architecture of Orlando, Florida

Orlando, despite being a relatively new city, is home to many architectural styles with a broad range of functions. From the futuristic, geodesic designs of surreal theme parks, to the Victorian styles of the English pioneers and traditional, turn-of-the-century American middle-class homes.

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Top 10 Restaurants in Orlando, Florida

The culinary scene in Orlando and central Florida is on the rise. In recent years Orlando has been named as a top destination by Wine Enthusiast, The New York Times and Esquire Magazine.

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Asia pacific investment partners

Mongolian Properties

Regency Residence Penthouse
The Olympic Residence
The Circus Residence
The Village @ Nukht


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