Rising house prices and a shortage of housing stock in Cambridge’s city centre have led to an unprecedented boom in new towns and developments around Cambridgeshire.
Cambridge’s massive success as a hub for science and technology jobs continues to send housing costs within the city ever higher, and workers are being pushed further and further out into villages and towns within commuting distance.
The Oxford-Cambridge Arc (O2C) is an economic region linking Oxford and Cambridge via Milton Keynes, and encompassing Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, and Northamptonshire, forming an ‘arc’ about 80km to the north and west of London. It supports over two million jobs, adds more than £110 billion to the economy annually, and has one of the fastest-growing economies in England.
Cambridge has excited interest due to a number of positive indicators that suggest innovation. Here, we consider three areas that point to the city’s resilience and what this could mean for the real estate market.
In early June of this year consulting firm EY released their EY 2021 Attractiveness Survey, entitled ‘Foreign Investors back Europe, but is Europe back?’
Asia pacific investment partners
Mongolian Properties
GDP per capita - Hong Kong
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Foreign Visitors to Niseko
Foreign Hotel Guest in Hokkaido
Residential Prices - Hong Kong